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Please note that just because you have inquired about a puppy from us does not guarantee you a puppy.



Here is how our process works:


1. Fill out this application (here)

1A. Fill out this application also, if you are looking for breeding rights (here)

- If we feel that your application has something off, or we don't understand something with it; we will ask you questions about it

- If we feel like you are not the right fit from looking and asking you questions on your application, we will stop here and tell you why we don't feel comfortable moving on


2. We contact your 3 references and then your vet if needed

- We will also contact your landlord if you rent as we need to make sure that you are allowed to have a Siberian Husky where you live before approving you.


3. We will give you a call for the phone interview part


4. We will look at all the information you, your references and what we talked about on our phone call and decide if you are accepted or denied

- If we have any questions about anything, you will contact you so we can ask you about what is needed


5. We will let you know if you have been approved or denied 


6. If approved you will be placed on our waiting list:

- You can place your non-refundable deposit to hold your spot.


- If you don't place your non-refundable deposit, we can't hold your spot in line but you will still be added to our waiting list.


** Our families that have paid their non-refundable deposit gets their pick in line over a family that didn't pay their non-refundable deposits. **

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